Breaking Down the Teams: Randomly Assigning 16 Teams into 4 Groups

Alazar Demmelash
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Randomly assigning teams into groups

Randomizing teams is a common practice in sports world. It’s easy to randomize teams using JavaScript, a popular programming language used for web development. We’ll explore how to use JavaScript to randomize teams.

Step 1: Create an Array of Teams

Before we can randomize the teams, we need to create an array that contains all the teams in the tournament. We can do this by declaring a variable and assigning it onto an array of team names, like this:

const teams = [list all the teams here];

Step 2: Shuffle the team using an Array

Once we have an array of teams, we can use the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm to randomize the order of the teams. The Fisher-Yates shuffle is a simple algorithm that randomly shuffles an array by swapping the elements in the array.

for (let i = teams.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[teams[i], teams[j]] = [teams[j], teams[i]];

Step 3: Divide the Teams into Groups

After we have shuffled the teams in array, we can divide the teams into groups. We’ll divide the teams into four groups of four, but you can adjust the code to create a different number of groups or a different number of teams per group.

const groups = [];
const groupSize = 4;

for (let i = 0; i < teams.length; i += groupSize) {
groups.push(teams.slice(i, i + groupSize));

This code creates an empty array called group and a variable called groupsize that determines the number of teams per group. The code then loops through the shuffled array of teams and uses the slice( ) method to extract a group of teams from the array.

Step 4: Display the Results

Finally, we can display the results of the randomized teams.




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